Project Nero
Project Nero was Portal Space's focus from 2020 to 2022 - building and launching Norway's first liquid-fueled rocket. Stay tuned for updates on the new project. ​
The project NERO started in February 2020. We wanted to create Norway's first liquid-fueled rocket. After a year of building the organization, designing and manufacturing, the first successful hot-fire was achieved on July 17th, 2021.

The Nero rocket
Design Specifications
Height: 5.5m
Dry mass: 100 kg
Fins: #3
Diameter: 240 mm
Material skeleton: Aluminium
Material shell: Carbon Fiber

The engine Reodor MK1

Design Specifications
Thrust: 3500 N
Mass Flow Rate: 1.47 kg/s
Specific Impulse: 245 s
Oxidizer - Fuel Ratio: 1.33
Combustion Chamber Pressure: 20 bar
Test specifications 17.7.21
Average Thrust: ~2400N
Average Chamber Pressure: ~19 bar
The engine Reodor MK2
Design Specifications
Thrust: 5000 N
Mass Flow Rate: 2.3 kg/s
Specific Impulse: 224 s
Oxidizer - Fuel Ratio: 1.33
Combustion Chamber Pressure: 20 bar
Test specifications 28.5.22
Average Thrust: ~2900N
Average Chamber Pressure: ~18 bar

About the name Reodor
Our engine is called Reodor, and is named after the character Reodor Felgen from the classical Norwegian movie Flåklypa Grand Prix. The vehicle he creates, Il Tempo Gigante, includes two liquid-fueled rocket engines which run on ethanol. The movie is also set in a rural part of Norway, and we found the name suitable since we started our manufacturing at a farm. ​

Photo: Caprino Studios